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Connecting Agent Competence to Profit, Growth, Efficiency & Productivity in 2025: A Blueprint for Success

28 Nov 2024
Contact Centre Technology Theatre
Customer Contact

Profit, growth, efficiency, and productivity are the lifeblood of contact centres around the globe – and as many organisations turn to vast amounts of technology solutions in a bid to automate, streamline and fast-track their ways of working, many are missing a vital root-cause issue: agent in-role competence.

The Institute of Customer Service’s (ICS) UK Customer Satisfaction Index (UKCSI) shows that customer service standards have continued to fall to an all-time record low. Poor staff competence has been cited as one of the top three drivers contributing to declining customer satisfaction in the UK.
Isn’t it time you started focusing on agent in-role competence as a key driver to bottom-line growth, KPI improvements and exceptional customer outcomes?

Join Ben Scales, Head of Sales, from Elephants Don’t Forget, as he explains how leading contact centres are getting ahead of their competitors by placing the competence and capability of their agents at the centre of their revenue-generation, cost-reduction, efficiency and operational risk initiatives.

Learning outcomes:
• Discover how employee-centric AI can play a key role in improving your agents' competence – and translate this into operational benefits that are tangible and measurable.
• The link between your current training programmes and the translation through to in-role competence; what do you currently measure and what do those results really mean?
• Customer case studies demonstrating how large and small contact centre environments have successfully deployed our AI – and what those results look like for employees and customers.

Ben Scales, Head of Sales - Elephants Don’t Forget
Grace Marshall, Sales Development Manager - Elephants Don't Forget